
The power of HEY!

Your HEY matters

”HEJ” means ”HEY” in swedish and if you’ve received this HEJ-heart, you’re an important person who has received a special trustA small HEY can spread joy, offer hope, or be the beginning of a lifelong friendship. We believe the world needs your and others’ HEY! more than ever.

How it all started

The HEJ-heart began its journey on World Hello Day, November 21, 2023, in Östersund, Sweden. We set out to explore how far a simple HEY could reach to connect people worldwide. In a world marked by conflicts and uncertainty, we need a reminder more than ever about the importance of human connection and kindness.


What to do!

  1. Say HEY!: Give your Hey-heart to someone, preferably a stranger, and create a positive moment.
  2. Share the Experience: Snap a pic or a quick video when you give the heart. Share it on socials with #HEYSTRANGER #HEYOSTERSUND. Tag your location so we can see how far the heart has traveled. 

(If you prefer, you can e-mail the pic and text to hej@hejframling.se for us to share.)

Follow your heart!

Here, you will soon be able to follow the journey of your HEJ-heart.

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